God and self discovery

Am I God

God is an existence we have a lot of analogies for. The best one that some ascetics believe is ‘Ahaṁ Brahmāsmi’, or I am the absolute. That may seem like too much pride for some, but let’s go about it. It is important to discuss this topic to have clear understanding self and propel us to personal development.

Science says we are all made of atoms, and that is the basic constituent of all matter. In Hinduism, there are three main gods: Brahma (the creator), Shiv (the destroyer), and Vishnu (the preserver). The atom also has three constituents: protons (the positive part that has mass), electrons (the negative part without mass), and neutrons (the neutral one with mass). 

Three Gods and three particles

Shiv is characterised by destruction but can also be said to be the one resulting in transformation. Similar to an electron that initiates any chemical or nuclear reaction changing the compound. Brahma is analogous to Proton the start of things, by attracting creation. And Vishnu, the preserver, is like a neutron, without which stability is not reached.

Brahma can be said to be similar to Vishnu as both have mass but differ in charge, similar to quarks, which make both particles. Shiv is the elusive one that doesn’t have mass, a wanderer revolving around the nucleus changing its form from afar.

This is just an analogy; believe what you want. But the similarity shown in the properties of the building blocks of the atom and the building blocks of life, as proclaimed in ancient days, is astounding. So if we are made by three that become one, which then becomes many, and then diversifies, are we all singularities identifying as different?

God and self discovery
Three faces but one body. Perceiving God from individual point of view.
Holy Trinity

This unity of three is shown in many places, like in marriage. Where, except for two partners, a witness is required, usually a priest. Without a witness, what is there to prove its existence? Our lives are happening day in and day out, and only we know how they are actually going. We are the experiencers, the doers, and the dreamers. The most essential thing in one’s life is experience. To have an experience, there needs to be some action, some feeling, and again, a witness who remembers it. Your experience is yours only because you remember it, express it, and believe it mattered. While looking at the horizon, there is just the sky, the earth, and the line in between where they merge. When asking a question, there is a thought that comes from curiosity and a desire to unfurl. 

While trying to uncover this mystery of who we are, the answer that we are god seems fitting. But what is God, then? Is it the unity of three, or is it the hypothesis that everyone of us is one? Is this a self discovery post or personal development one. Well, let’s take a detour, as this is becoming heavy.

Energy frequency and vibration

Energy is everywhere, and it changes form to look differently. Our human senses can sense less than 1% of this energy. Out of all the radiation, we can see just the visible spectrum. Out of all the frequencies, we hear a specific range. Mathematically, we base our world on this limited input, and thus the answers seem limited. Thanks to the discovery of frequencies beyond perception, we have an advanced society today. But when seeking answers outside, they always come across as incomplete or not consequential. So where can we ask? Who can answer us? 

It is easier to ask oneself. Have you ever noticed that if you sleep on one problem, you come across a certain direction when you wake up. So our internal compass is much stronger than our trust in it. If these inputs put an iota of doubt in you, congratulations; you are still not a lost cause. Begin your journey into self-discovery, because what else is more fascinating and adventurous than personal development that happens along the way? 

The conclusion is not to conclude

My answer may not be the same as yours, but then I won’t doubt your answer, and you will accept mine without any discussions or debate. Your God and mine would be one, and we would respect and love each other as Gods. Open a new dimension in our lives. Learn to become aware; aware of your thought, feelings and desires.

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